KaMi 1 “Dinosaurs in the city”

In the dream I went on a hunt for the wildest kind, but found nothing. It was getting dark or the dawn was running up, the time just did not stand still. I got lost in the concrete of industrial carcasses. I liked the frozen mountains of impotence, the inside of which is filled with tin. Explainable – nothing to look for. Flashes of light, a stream of blinks rolled once and behind imaginary workers, who once shed their sweat here, I saw the essence of the matter. The ruins of a dying civilization are the same frozen monsters, whose bones we trembling still find in the vast expanses.
Then she opened her eyes and tried to find, read the details of the somnambulist route. To look beyond the horizon, to discover the measure of the distance, the nature of nature. Present a picture of the city as the abode of extinct beasts. Where the idea of ​​a common house – as a place to meet the artificial and natural, past and present.

Text provided by the author


Biography: KaMi 1 is an alter-ego of contemporary artist, art historian and curator Katya Mihatova. Academy of Art, Faculty of Theory and History of Art, School of Art Groups of the Involved Art “What is to be done?”. Lives and works in St. Petersburg.

More KaMi 1 works can be seen here www.instagram.com/krivorychka_m/